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Standards of Leadership...


We believe the integrity of Godly leadership is essential to the life of the flock. In an hour of compromised standards of ministry, the increase of false doctrine and a lightness towards the Biblical character requirements of the minsters of God of 1 Tim. 3:1-16, we see the vital necessity for the flock of God to have those set by God, shepherds after His own heart, who can lead by example with a pure conscience saying, “Be followers of me as I am a follower of Christ (I Cor. 11:1).


While many are being tossed to and fro being attracted by ear tickling messages, techie machinery and a cross-less Gospel, rather than servants of God with true humility and a genuine demonstration of the Spirit and power in leaders called of God, we believe the Lord is raising up and placing in His church servants with the heart of the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep.


The Sanctuary church as a local fellowship holds the value of developing a leadership team comprised of a plurality of elders with a presiding elder, and deacons as well that help serve the in the daily needs and care of the flock. While the church is being built as an autonomous work under the direction of the Holy Spirit and upon the authority of the Holy Scriptures, we recognize the spiritual safety of Godly eldership and the safety that is found therein the multitude of wise counsel.


While the assembly of believers are a Holy Spirit led autonomous church and a supernatural sovereign work of God’s hands, yet as stewards of God, holding the grave responsibility and privilege to govern herself in all things according the standards of the Word of God, as a habitation of the Almighty God under the Great Shepherd of the Sheep the Lord Jesus. We also recognize as a local church, when the Chief Shepherd ascended to the right hand of the Father, He gave gifts unto men He sets in the church to represent His care and oversight of His church. As an assembly of believers in fellowship with and recognizing the value  of the apostolic counsel and oversight of the eldership provided by the missions base in Virginia at Calvary Temple-


Always endeavoring by the grace of God to pattern ourselves after the New Testament church as demonstrated in the Act of the Apostles and the epistles, we see God set apostles throughout the body of Christ, those that ensure the church is being built on the sure foundation that was first laid by the apostles and prophets from the beginning. These apostles are witnessed in the scriptures as spiritual fathers, wise master builders and reputed as pillars of the faith and practice of the church. ( Eph.4:11/ I Cor.12:28/ I Cor.4:14, 3;10/ Gal.2:9)


We recognize as a local fellowship that we are part of the universal body of Christ, compromised of every nation, kindred, tongue and tribe, we welcome and embrace fellowship with all those who love the Lord Jesus out of a pure heart and of like precious faith. For more information on the vision of The Sanctuary, please feel free to contact us through the channels listed on this site.

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© 2020 by The Sanctuary Church of South Buffalo, New York

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