The Sanctuary
"And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23:3-4
The Sanctuary welcomes you to join in our previous or LIVE broadcasts of our worship services:
Sunday 10:30AM and Wed. 6:30PM On YouTube:

About us...
No, not "about us"... God forbid, may it ever be all about Him! That all preeminence would be unto Jesus and all the glory as the Psalmist said, "Not unto us, not unto us, but unto your name let there be glory!"
The Sanctuary is a Spirt Filled non-denominational church located in South Buffalo, New York- pentecostal in nature and belief, yet in harmony with a Biblical order and sound doctrine. To teach, to live and to do the Word of God is our endeavor. We are a young vibrant church coming up in the city of Buffalo yet accessible from all directions. The church holds a clear emphasis of a cross centered message, pursuing holiness, the fear of the Lord and to walk in genuine humility before the Lord. Shunning many of the man centered self-exalting emphasis of prosperity, worldly pleasures and man pleasing spirit, there is an environment of an earnest longing for the glory of God to be known- through prayer, brokenness, repentance and the pursuit to be prepared for the coming of the great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus.
It’s a direct non-compromised message that will expose flesh and carnality, yet through the grace of God purge, heal and empower each member to deny one self, take up their cross and fulfill their calling and purpose in the body of Christ. Though this church is newly planted, yet not without years of experience, the Pastor having served for 16 years in inner city street ministry, followed by 17 years straight of missionary work in the nations of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, India and the West Indies has by the grace of God planted and established numerous churches in different nations and cultures. This background overflows in the vision provoking a passion for souls and to reach a very lost and dying generation with the hope of the Gospel. Missions, soul winning and church planting are all backed with the experience to see these affected.
A key emphasis to accomplish the vision is to raise up another generation with a zeal for God to carry on the vision for the generation to come should the Lord tarry. No small amount of attention is given to this heartfelt burden of establishing of a living, Biblically sound children’s, youth and young adults ministries as well as the establishing and building of solid marriages and homes. Additionally to this end of the generation to come, to find faithful believers with a passion for world missions that can be equipped and trained to be sent forth to the many open doors for the Gospel throughout the world.
In an hour where true cross bearer living has been kicked aside for ease of life, momentary gain and praises of men, we find a great vacuum of need for a returning back to God with our whole hearts, in brokenness, holy fear and trembling at His Word. The toleration of carnality and the broad path of nominal religion has too often replaced the message of the cross and opened the door wide for leaven, tares and wolves. The spiritual lukewarmness of the age producing little more than a love grown cold powerless cross-less Gospel message, the standards brought very low and left many to little more than a fair show in the flesh. This is a place of healing, renewal and revival- a resting place and a sanctuary indeed- "the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.” Come and see and let a fresh fire to be rekindled in your bones, your pursuit of God to be revived and your life to become that living sacrifice and offering unto Him as a true cross bearer in this last days church of the living God, the bride of Christ making herself ready!