The Sanctuary
"And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23:3-4
The Sanctuary welcomes you to join in our previous or LIVE broadcasts of our worship services:
Sunday 10:30AM and Wed. 6:30PM On YouTube:

Welcome to the website of The Sanctuary church of the south side of Buffalo, New York. May this be an open door to catch a glimpse of the character and vision of this living fellowship of believers pursuing the Lords call on our lives.
The church is comprised of a diversity of backgrounds, spiritual experience and cultures while it aims to be one unified body, each member equipped and set in the body according to their varied gifts and callings by the grace of God.
So feel free to take a browse around, check out the various pages, blogs and photos. Also be assured we would be blessed to answer any questions or provide further information for you about the ministry. Just email, text, give us a call or send a letter to the addresses listed on this site.
If you can- come check us out in a visit to one of our services, even for a mid-week service or set up a time to meet, the pastor and his wife are very accessible for you to reach!
Our Mission
To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and strength and to love one another as He has loved us, laying down our lives one for another.
To establish a true "Sanctuary" of God- a spiritual refuge for so many weary souls, with the heart of the Good Shepherd, genuine care for lives and real discipleship,
To see a fellowship of believers of all ages and backgrounds unified in the love of God as one spiritual family in true fellowship with a genuine care for one another in daily life.
To kindle a passion to reach the lost souls of our community, city and extending out into all the world as the Lord opens doors.
To earnestly contend for the faith, bringing sound doctrine and the pure uncompromising preaching of the cross. The cross and God centered not man centered.
The pursuit of holiness, to be unashamedly full of the Holy Ghost and power and a burning desire to be free of all lukewarmness and worldliness in our lives, to be part of that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, made ready for the soon coming of our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus.

Our Pastor
Tony Wozniak serves as the Senior Pastor of the fellowship having ministered for over 40 years in evangelism, world missions, church planting and pastoral ministry.
Originally born and raised in poverty on the east side of Buffalo without a father led to at a very young age years of drinking, fighting, drugs and crime. The Lord used these to bring him to the end of himself and a miraculous testimony of the mercies of God.
He has served extensively in inner city ministry in South Baltimore, raising up a life changing live-in discipleship ministry for the homeless, former prisoners, alcoholics and drug addicts. Also the ministry was reaching hundreds of impoverished inner city children all the while establishing a strong church as its foundation.
While possessing a constant burden for evangelism, for decades he has labored to establish strong children's, youth and young adults ministries along with strong marriages and families. He has always labored to establish very strong church based Christian schooling as an integral part of the life and heritage of every church he's ministered in.
He pioneered the Watchman radio broadcast ministering prime time slots daily in the Baltimore, metropolitan area with a potential listening audience of some two million people.
He went on to labor in foreign missions pouring out his life for 17 years in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, India and the West Indies planting adopting and establishing scores of churches, including training pastors, conducting conferences, visiting churches, and conducting thousands of crusades often in very remote reached and neglected areas.
Pastor Tony has lived happily married to his first and only wife of 38 years in a very exemplary and impacting marriage providing for strong mentoring of marriages. As a team with distinctive roles, they are always very closely involved with the flock, imparting not only the Gospel but their very souls to see a close knit spiritual family of believers closely unified in the love of Jesus, with a zeal for the Fathers house a heart of tender compassion to reach the lost, the poor, the despised and broken, often those no one has time for.
Worship Services & Contacts
Sundays: 10:30 AM
Tuesdays: 6:30 PM
Wednesdays: 6:30 PM
Fridays: 7:00 PM
Friday Nite Fellowship
(716) 880-7574
(716) 970-0065
Postal Mail &
Church Location:
The Sanctuary
2162 Seneca Street
Buffalo, New York 14210

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